This is me and my sister Louise.... let me tell you her story
Louise's Story.
So i'm very close to my sister. She's 18 and i love her with all my heart. Her main story began at the age of 14. We lost our grandpa and it destroyed her. She wrote poems about him and will always remember his last words to her "Louise, you are like a blooming red rose as you've grown. Always remember that when i die i will always be looking down on you and i will always be proud". She started self harming and skipping school. She had a social worker at school and that led her into care at the age of 16. She went off the rails. Began smoking and continued skipping school. She eventually expressed her sexuality as a bisexual. My dad is shall we say dislikes the idea so it was very hard for her to do that.
So a year past and she eventually came home in October. It was pretty hard on all of us when she left. But it was harder on me. I did stupid things. I felt alone and lost without her but at least i knew she was safe. And now. We're inseperable. We go out all the time along with her boyfriend, Chris. He's great and they're so happy together.
Just thought i'd share this story :)

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    Elaine| Lainii| 16| Based in the UK| Day to day on my life|


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